
I re-did my whole story!!! If you guys want to check it out i would really appreciate  it. Thanks


Thank you ever so much for fanning me! I will try to upload as I find time. My new historical/paranormal erotica just released and. I find my time very limited with that endevour. However, if you enjoy my works on here, you will love, Ravenous. The link for download purchase(adaptable to ANY digital device, via PDF file)  is located on my profile page. But no pressure. Once again, thank you!


Hi! Thank you for becoming a fan and commenting! I'm so glad that your enjoying what your readding, and for letting me know! Every comment makes me want to write faster, and more often, so please don't stop lettting me know what you think of a chapter! I don't think I can thank you enough for becoming a fan, your all what keeps me uploading so SUPER THANKS!!