heya! holis :)
just here to say to those of you that still read my unfinished story 'graffiti' that i'm really sorry, about not uploading new chapters or not being active(for a few years ;-; </3) i still need to detangle all the mess that i did without it messing my head ._. turns out thinking about bad things and outcomes all the time was really bad for anyone. i still read all the comments you leave and the love you give to the story, thank you very very much <3 i don't know if i'll finish it someday, but as it hurts me when an author i lke deletes their work, i'll keep mine online for those that want to read it again :) muah muah
para aquellos que todavia leen 'graffiti' y esperan caps nuevos, les ruego que me perdonen despues de abandonarlo de repente. basicamente la historia empezo por uno de los track del soundtrack del anime, hice un desastre y ahora no se como arreglarlo </3 leo todos los comentarios que dejan desde siempre, son super tiernos, y perdonenme que no conteste, es por miedo a reclamos agresivos ;-; sabra dios si la historia quedara sin terminar o no, aun asi prefiero dejarla online para aquellos que quieran releer algun capitulo :) creo que no se me olvida nada mas por decir °3° besitos <3