
Hi, I'm back to Wattpad!
          	As you may noticed, now I'm changing all the template for branding purposes :) I also re-published some old stories with new cover as my new trademark. 
          	The good news for some Elysium Phomos's fan is, I finished re-draft Adventure to Earth series! To motivate myself, I decide to share the news in wattpad. However, there are some changes in those, as follows:
          	1. The story will NO LONGER posted in Indonesian language. As you may notice, I am practicing myself in 'english-writing'.  Pardon my Indonesian followers, but I promise to maintain the 'good' story plot!
          	2. I may don't have exact period when I will publish each chapter. As you noticed before, I have some personal business to do (finishing my Master degree, phew!).  Therefore, I will not 'that productive' but I hope you all can help motivate me!
          	3. Elysium Phomos will have major framework changes in term of characterising, especially for Marzuka Grouvelm. In the past, I have noticed several gaps in my story. After I build thorough plot until the end, I decided to change her character to make adequate to the main story. Sorry!
          	4. As I am learning, please don't bully my english skill! I personally hate grammar and stuffs, there is a higher probability that I will write 'silly language' or so on in English. I am not using English as first language, and once again - I AM LEARNING. I love feedback from you guys, but PLEASE USE RESPECTFUL language if you want to deliver your feedback to me!
          	Last but not least, I will publish the Prologue part for Elysium Phomos VERY SOON - hopefully within the end of this week, or next week! Ciao and happy reading! Also, have a good weekend :))


@chaannissaa kamu juga, take care ya :D


@naomichen_11 hahaha okok bakal aku baca. Um, dan sehat selalu yah, musim wabah bener-bener bahaya 


@chaannissaa Hi! thank you for responding dan supportnya! 
          	  Ahaha gpp baca yang baru aja, ceritanya lebih solid dan mateng soalnya dibanding yang lama :D


Hi, I'm back to Wattpad!
          As you may noticed, now I'm changing all the template for branding purposes :) I also re-published some old stories with new cover as my new trademark. 
          The good news for some Elysium Phomos's fan is, I finished re-draft Adventure to Earth series! To motivate myself, I decide to share the news in wattpad. However, there are some changes in those, as follows:
          1. The story will NO LONGER posted in Indonesian language. As you may notice, I am practicing myself in 'english-writing'.  Pardon my Indonesian followers, but I promise to maintain the 'good' story plot!
          2. I may don't have exact period when I will publish each chapter. As you noticed before, I have some personal business to do (finishing my Master degree, phew!).  Therefore, I will not 'that productive' but I hope you all can help motivate me!
          3. Elysium Phomos will have major framework changes in term of characterising, especially for Marzuka Grouvelm. In the past, I have noticed several gaps in my story. After I build thorough plot until the end, I decided to change her character to make adequate to the main story. Sorry!
          4. As I am learning, please don't bully my english skill! I personally hate grammar and stuffs, there is a higher probability that I will write 'silly language' or so on in English. I am not using English as first language, and once again - I AM LEARNING. I love feedback from you guys, but PLEASE USE RESPECTFUL language if you want to deliver your feedback to me!
          Last but not least, I will publish the Prologue part for Elysium Phomos VERY SOON - hopefully within the end of this week, or next week! Ciao and happy reading! Also, have a good weekend :))


@chaannissaa kamu juga, take care ya :D


@naomichen_11 hahaha okok bakal aku baca. Um, dan sehat selalu yah, musim wabah bener-bener bahaya 


@chaannissaa Hi! thank you for responding dan supportnya! 
            Ahaha gpp baca yang baru aja, ceritanya lebih solid dan mateng soalnya dibanding yang lama :D


kaaa, elysium phomos buku ke2 nya ga di publish ?? kangen sama zephytra,marzuka and hidagio. kangen sama petualangan mereka;(


@Diffaaa hi Difaa... sebenernya draftnya udah ada.. cm sy msh mau recheck lagi dan waktunya blm sempat.. kebetulan ini lg ad di daerah yang minim kapasitas internet.. nanti secepatnya aku post kalo memungkinkan ya .. tp ad kemungkinan crtny msh under revision... jd bs jd ad yg diubah lg krn draft buku pertamany banyak yang diubah... begitu. 
            Anw thanks udh jd pembaca setia Adventure to Earth! 


Hahaha saya bru sadar kalo saya ini pasif-writer bgt ya untuk ukuran wattpader. Maafkan 
          Bwt yg suggest" cerita, makasih banget udh mampir n repot". Membaca lwt apps entah knp bikin mata sy agak jereng, kayanya sy hrs beli tab spy bs lbh enak bacanya #kodekeras ~ makannya maaf bgt kalo blm smpt dibaca atau dibantu vomment. But I really appreciated a lot though that. 
          Taun ini akan jadi taun yg hectic bgt bwt sy krn adanya 'perpindahan' dlm kehidupan. Semoga saya msh tetep bs nulis dgn rajin, update serial #A2E.. dan Philophobia. Juga Lovecast, crt yg smpt sy publish tp udhny diunpublish lg. hahahaha. Mau direvisi, biasa perfeksionis geje. 
          Keep supporting, ya. 
          Love you all. ❤


@nanami_tan11 Semoga perpidahan nya sukses ya say. Keep supporting too for your novel.


Cover Elysium Phomos updated... 
          How is the new look? Semoga lebih kerasa 'aura Science Fiction' nya ya... 
          Keterangan PP baru saya : sesosok tokoh yang akan muncul dan berperan di jilid 2 #A2E 
          Semoga penasaran. 


@ nanami_tan11  hehehe. Cie cie.
            Akan aku tunggu kak ^^


@hannanissa eh ada si dd.. ciye udh beres UN ~ thanks yaa.. nanti stlh revisi beres.. mungkin akan diupload.. hehehe


A bit shocked when found out that Elysium Phomos got rank#35 in Science Fiction category today! Thank you readers! ❤


@nanami_tan11 ahahahaha aduh2 ntar ath ya, trik marketing nih xD


@ nanami_tan11 kalo gitu cepet di publish dong kaaaaaak^^ 
            Udah dong, makanya aku minta sequel^^


wkwkwkkw iyaa tentu sajaa sequelnya udh ada koo cm blm brani dipublish ajaa.. emgny udh selesai bacaa dirimu? @hannanissa 