
*  /    its almost 5am and zzz


aha  !  quentin  ,  i  thought  i  got  a  glimpse  of  you  earlier . man  you  were  /  SO   /  close  to  escaping  this  time !


*  quentin  just  nearly  started  to  laugh  too  ,   but  all  he  could  manage  was  cracking  a  simple  smile  of  his  own  *   i  really  wanted  to  call  him  out  on  it  ,   but  i  definitely  would’ve  been  killed  on  sight  .  
            (  @entitycalls  )  *  


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*  frank  smiles  behind  his  mask , doubling  over  in  pain  as  he  laughs  his  head  off .  *  he  was .. about  to  kiss  the  hatchet ? what  a fucking  weirdo  he is .


isn’t  it  ?   i  wouldn’t  know  ..   stories  ?   uh  —   okay  ?   let  me  think  ..   oh  ,   speaking  of  ghost  face  ,   i  was  hiding  from  him  once  .  i  looked  out  from  behind  the  corner  for  like  ,   one  second  ,   but  i  saw  him  taking  a  picture  with  one  of  the  huntresses  hatchets  ?   it  looked  like  he  was  about  to  kiss  it  or  something  —  
            (  @entitycalls  )  *  