
Hi all, it's been a good while but I'm gonna try and get back to updating! Stay tuned~


Hello author, I hope you've been well.  I am one of your silent readers who likes reading if your works offline. I was busy with school for now and one of the things I di is to read your cpns. I actually found you some time ago, a few years ago. Wallen kinda just inspired me to read cpn and from then on,  I found one of your works. It's one of my favorites and always will be. Your updates seems to have been declining lately,  it seems you're also busy with your life as well. I hope you're well and if ever you're gonna update in the near future, I would glady wait for it.


@nashipo i understand, we all have personal lives to tend to and I'm so glad you responded! I thought this acc will be silent and I'm glad that you're doing well. And sure, i will always wait for your updates to come. Wish you well, author.


@Kaltsyfer Hello, dear reader! Thank you for reading always. I have been busy and have been trying to return to CPNs because it is a medium that is dear to me and I enjoy writing it very much. I miss writing them very much. I tend to overwhelm myself with all these stories I want to write but I should just focus on them one at a time. 
            But I shall get back to them!


Hello are you still writing?


@mia-carmen Wow! Nice! Good luck to the next week or two. I really should try writing something to completion. I have a story idea that I have been sitting on for a while but it might be time for it to hatch.


@nashipo I'll be looking forward to reading your stories! Yes, I've been writing for almost a month trying to finish at least one full story by the end of this week or next week.


@mia-carmen How about you?