
Hi, i finished your book a couple days ago (which is def one of my favorites) and i was wondering if u would ever do like a follow up of like there lives together a couple years later or make a book two?


Thank you so much! To answer your question, probably not. I had written a couple chapters of Sara’s POV, but I don’t think I’ll ever post it. I also started one of Bakugo from MHA, another one with Tendou, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi. And some more, but I’ve never gotten around to finishing any. Maybe one day haha


Hi I have a question I’m currently on chapter 23 of your book called “choosing” and I’m very confused on the actual main character is?


the main character is y/n, but I'm guessing you're asking who the main love interest is. All of them are. You can choose an ending at the end of the book.


Your first book was really great, I was so shocked that Choosing was your first fanfic! I've been trying to find a lot of books and I'm so glad I read this one! I love your writing, keep at it! I'm looking forward to your next book!!!!! <3


Haha I write a lot in my free time, I just hadn’t published anything till now. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you 