

Wow so pretty


omg that’s beautiful 


do all people in the camren fandom end up becoming obsessed with the mcu? like pls I love this about us 


the lauren jauregui to natasha romanoff pipeline is insane 


Hello, dear Wattpadder! I wrote a book everyone can, probably, understand. I have a special technique for memorizing English words.  I'm doing that for more than ten years and I guess it's time to share! Please read my snippet and let me know :) 
          Don't drink, don't smoke! Stay healthy!

          إقـتَربِي ، إلمـسِي خَدي ، قَبلي ثُغري ، بأصابعكِ داعبِي فكِي ، عَانقِـي خصري ، أبسطِي كفيكِ على ظهِري ،
          أجعلينِـي أهين فوق السُحب ،
          أطوفْ مع النَجوم ،
          و أنا فقط بين يَديكِ ،
          كونِي أنتِ 
          〆جُوليـان ألبيـرو 〆
          أتمنى إلقاء نظرة و إخباري برأيك ! لستُ جديدة في الكاتبة لكني الان قررت دخول عالم الكتابة برغبة.


Ok so I just finished WN, and I realized that you were getting a lot of hate for it. I wanted to say that those people have no right to say that you are a terrible writer or anything of the sort, as it is your fic, and you are allowed to do whatever you like with it.
          However, I would like to give you some constructive criticism. The ending, while not entirely unexpected, seemed to come completely out of nowhere. One minute Lauren is fine and happy and excited, and the next she just decides that it's a bad idea? Without any evidence to show that this was something that she had been thinking about? It just seems like a really brash decision, and she hardly talked about it with Camila at all. She could have at least explained her self a bit more. 
          Also there are a few plot holes that I noticed. I understand that when posting a story chapter by chapter, it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of everything, but I wanted to mention how Camila was so broke that she needed to sell her guitar to buy a new phone and ring, yet she was planning a wedding. Weddings usually cost thousands of dollars, so I really don't think that the sale of one guitar is going to cut it. 
          Also, when Camila is proposing, she mentions that they have been together for nine months, but Lauren also mentions that same amount of time when questioning her decision to marry Camila. 
          How long, then, did it take for them to plan the wedding?
          Those are just some things that I wanted to bring to your attention.
          Please know that I really do appreciate the effort that you have put into writing this. I really enjoyed reading it.