Yo. Kinda worried about you. Hope you come back soon, since it's been weeks. Love ya. x

Don't be sorry! I was wondering if it was a grade thing, since I know you do that. But seriously, this won't change anything, but a 97 isn't bad. Really. In fact, getting over 100 isn't going to change much, you're still going to have an A. Speaking from experience, as long as you have an A AT ALL, you're fine and you can still get good scholarships and get into a good college. It's a great thing to be into your grades like that so you constantly do well, but I don't want you stressing yourself out too much because man, I've been there. But don't apologize, I was just really worried because my mind goes to the worst sometimes like, "is she in the hospital? Worse??" Because with my so adored Internet peeps, there's no way of knowing. So it just terrifies me not hearing from them weeks on end. I'm so glad you start your spring break though!! Please get some sleep and don't make my writing a priority! It just means a lot you've missed me. xxxxx

Renee..... I am honestly so sorry. I should start my explanation by saying that I am extremely grade obsessed. I need my grades to be high because my parents put a lot of pressure on me and I feel as though my entire future banks on it. Last grading period, I ended with a 97 in geometry. I know it sounds good, but I really wanted a 100 in all my classes and that totally ruined it for me. I went kinda crazy trying to study hardcore every night for the past couple of weeks and minimize the time I spent on my phone. I've been so stressed out lately.... but luckily this evening marks the start of spring break for me. Furthermore, I really like to spend time on the comments I write for your chapters, and this week I couldn't really analyze your chapters and comment the way I wanted to. But this weekend, I plan to catch up 100% and comment my thoughts. Plus, I keep my notifications off for all of my apps (kinda an OCD thing) so I didn't see your messages until I got into the app today. Again, I apologize for my silence lately and I assure you I felt really bad about it these past couple of weeks. Hopefully, tonight I'll get to make up for all the sleep I've lost lately and be ready to get back to normal. I missed you and your writing!