
@AmySezenias Thank you :) no they are just the ones that I found on google and thought were amusing :D


Hey girl! I lOOOOooove your blonde jokes think and i got a really good one cause i dont think you have it but heres one for you: 
          A blonde a redhead and a brunette are in iraq and are captured in a tiny deserted village. The terrorists bring them to the square and as the firing squad gets ready to execute them. Once they are ready, they bring the brunette up to be executed. The leader of the terrorists shout
          "Read, Aim-" 
          But before he could say fire the brunette shouts to the mountains behind the terrorosts and yells, "MUD SLIDE!"  
          The terrorists panic and the brunette gets away. 
          Next, they bring up the red head to face the firing squad. The leader shouts,
          "Ready, aim-" 
          And the red head points at the sea and screams, "TSUNAMI!!" 
          While the terrosists panic, the readhead gets away. 
          Finally they bring the blonde up and the leader shouts,
          "Ready, aim-"
          And the blonde yells, "FIRE!"
          Im sorry if you already have it i just thought id send it lol!!


this message may be offensive
Shit wait nevermind you do have it LMAOO keep writing girly


Hi There. Thanks for voting on my story. I hope that you get a chance to read the rest of the collection. And if you are looking for more intelligent and sexy romance, @lesliemcadam and @maxinedonner always are sure bets.


Hey thanks so much. Have just added new stories to my list of things to read.!


Hi...i just finished your joke book. Reely nice!
          I have a story to tell. It's new and i'm advertising. Could you please take a look? It's named HIGH ON SUGAR. I would appreciate your comment on it.
          I didn't quite understand that world's greatest shave thing in your intro, could you explain please?
          Thank you so much even for reading my rant.
          Have a great day. :)