
So, my results are out, and I didn't make it. I did hope that I would  learn at least one group, but i didn't. 
          	I know Allah has some plans for me and ان شاء الله, I will believe in it. 
          	Ps: Masir is in making and will publish soon. 
          	Pps: Sorry for being late always


@nataligrr inshaallah and indeed allah is the best planner


@nataligrr in sha allah you will reach your goal no one who believes in allah will fail so cheer uppp!!!


May الله ‎ﷻ make it easier In Sha الله 


So, my results are out, and I didn't make it. I did hope that I would  learn at least one group, but i didn't. 
          I know Allah has some plans for me and ان شاء الله, I will believe in it. 
          Ps: Masir is in making and will publish soon. 
          Pps: Sorry for being late always


@nataligrr inshaallah and indeed allah is the best planner


@nataligrr in sha allah you will reach your goal no one who believes in allah will fail so cheer uppp!!!


May الله ‎ﷻ make it easier In Sha الله 


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
          Hello, I am back, ان شاء الله, now I will be working on Masir and within 2-3 days, the next chap will be up!! 


@nataligrr  Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu appi we are waiting please upload itt sooon


Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
          I am a student of Ar rahmah Institute, and im learning under Ustazah NAJIHA HASHMI ( IN URDU). I want to share it with u all from the beginning ayats I’m starting a group to learn Tajweed, Tafseer, and Tarjuma to deepen our connection with the Quran. This is a wonderful opportunity to:
          Recite the Quran correctly.
          Understand its meanings and reflect on its message.
          Learn word-for-word translation to strengthen our comprehension.
          Details: You'll be provided WhatsApp audios weekly once. Once u listen to the audio.. the group admin will ask u a question related to ur lesson of day through WhatsApp texts or audios . Tajweed courses will include from beginning i.e ا،ب،ت Overall this is a course for all beginners like me.
          What: Tajweed, Tafseer, and Tarjuma Course
          When: Every Sunday 4pm audios will b send 
          Where: WhatsApp 
          Let’s embark on this journey of knowledge together and grow closer to Allah (SWT). Let me know if you’re interested in contacting +91 7075478402 
          Note : 1.No charges.. Free of cost
                     2. Only for WOMEN 
          JazakAllah Khair

          Sorry author for posting here without your permission, apologies.
          Hi everyone,
          I am new to this platform and have recently started to write stories, my first one is now written and published, you can find it on my wattpad profile and scroll stack. 
          If interested please do give it a try.