@natijah074 I think it’s definitely a gray area. I asked my editor about this actually before posting on here—she worked for a Big 5 prior to going freelance. She said publishers may look at it as a different opportunity if it’s already online and it may muddy eligibility for nominations for debuts, but she doesn’t believe ut would keep an interested publisher from acquiring the book, particularly if it was popular online, in order to take advantage of the momentum their books already have in the market. I think it also helps if it’s a very early version online and you do a major rewrite, which is something I’m doing right now with mine.
I debated it for a long time and ultimately decided the pros of getting my book out there and building an audience outweighed the cons of potentially having this impact later prospects for trad publishing.
Trad publication is in insanely competitive anyway when you consider most agents only take on 1-4 new clients a year and receive thousands in submissions.