
hi everyone! 
          	i published a new poem in my poetry book “brain & heart” <3
          	please check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!! 


hi everyone ~
          i published a new chapter in my book of poems "Brain & Heart."
          if you read my previous installment, i have been wrapped up in a situation that has left me a bit unsatisfied.
          my newest poem "My Decision" is a recount of how i decided to handle it. 
          i hope you enjoy it and here's to hoping everything gets a bit easier <3


hi ~
          i just published a new poem in my book, “Brain & Heart.”
          it’s called “Situationship” which is about this tangled mess of whatever i got myself into. 
          im honestly getting pretty tired of a lot about my life… my family situations, school, work, and then this thing with this boy…
          but anyways, i hope you like the poem <3 


Hello! I just published a new poem in my book Brain & Heart titled, "Hate is a Strong Word."
          It is very personal and speaks of a relationship in my life that is practically inescapable and makes achieving happiness extra difficult.
          Despite the serious and sad tone of this poem, I hope you like it ♡


          Introduction and first chapter of my new poetry book "Brain & Heart" has been published.
          I hope you enjoy reading my most precious thoughts and memories; and travel safely through the passage ways of my brain and heart. 
          I hope you enjoy reading about the world through my perspective!
          New poems will be uploaded precariously as I find inspiration.
          Thank you for showing interest! 
          Lots of love!! 
                      - natalie


          i just published a new book!! 
          it's called "brain & heart" and it is a poetry book.
          each poem is written by me and dedicated to my brain and heart.
          please check it out and let me know what you think!!
          lots of love!!!
                       - natalie 


wattpad layouts are so difficult.. this is why i keep the same pictures up for years. 
          well.. new layout :D 


@Ashpoint thank you ^ ^ !! i love yours, the pink clouds are really pretty ♡


@natnat2015 Yayy! Congratulations. :)