
          	NASA scientists are now getting arr#$TEd and getting desperate. We need to save the earth now!!! According to them, we only have 4-5 years. LET THE EARTH BREATH.♻️
          	Climate scientists and activists take huge risks every day, as so many powerful entities are prepared to do anything to keep the public from knowing the truth about climate change. and last week, a number of climate scientists were arrested for staging a protest of big banks, including Dr. Peter Kalmus, a NASA scientist.
          	“i am here because scientists are not being listened to. i am willing to take a risk for this gorgeous planet, and for my sons. and we've been trying to warn you guys for so many decades that we're heading towards a fcking catastrophe, and we've been being ignored. the scientists of the world are being ignored, and it's got to stop. we're gonna lose everything, and we're not joking. we're not lying. we're not exaggerating. this is so bad, everyone, that we're willing to take this risk, this is for all of the kids of the world, all the young people, all the future people … this is so much bigger than any of us. it's time for all of us to stand up and take risks and make sacrifices for this beautiful planet that gives us life.”
          	Enough of the unimportant "teas" and listen to these people. Some of you may think this is not a serious matter, but it is. They have been warning us but we, as well as the Government, have just disregarded them. We must act NOW. SPREAD AWARENESS.
          	ps. feel free to copy this
          	check out these links:
          	(1) vid of statement
          	(2) article
          	(3) twitter acc of paul kalmus (scientist)
          	(4) twitter thread (2nd pic)
          	(5) fb thread


          NASA scientists are now getting arr#$TEd and getting desperate. We need to save the earth now!!! According to them, we only have 4-5 years. LET THE EARTH BREATH.♻️
          Climate scientists and activists take huge risks every day, as so many powerful entities are prepared to do anything to keep the public from knowing the truth about climate change. and last week, a number of climate scientists were arrested for staging a protest of big banks, including Dr. Peter Kalmus, a NASA scientist.
          “i am here because scientists are not being listened to. i am willing to take a risk for this gorgeous planet, and for my sons. and we've been trying to warn you guys for so many decades that we're heading towards a fcking catastrophe, and we've been being ignored. the scientists of the world are being ignored, and it's got to stop. we're gonna lose everything, and we're not joking. we're not lying. we're not exaggerating. this is so bad, everyone, that we're willing to take this risk, this is for all of the kids of the world, all the young people, all the future people … this is so much bigger than any of us. it's time for all of us to stand up and take risks and make sacrifices for this beautiful planet that gives us life.”
          Enough of the unimportant "teas" and listen to these people. Some of you may think this is not a serious matter, but it is. They have been warning us but we, as well as the Government, have just disregarded them. We must act NOW. SPREAD AWARENESS.
          ps. feel free to copy this
          check out these links:
          (1) vid of statement

          (2) article

          (3) twitter acc of paul kalmus (scientist)

          (4) twitter thread (2nd pic)

          (5) fb thread


For The people who Think i copy a story the P.S.Y.C.H.O no its my on opinion and i have a twist On The story You will Know it Soon *smirk* Just wait And online class is Back again i will be busy again Haiiiist so Anyways have a great day today love you all