Best Friends who just happen to love writing (and reading!)
God First. God is always first.

-Most likely to be seen commenting and/or reading
-Percy Jackson
-American 😢🇺🇸

-Most likely writing and/or brainstorming
-Harry Potter

  • Recalculating...
  • SumaliJanuary 19, 2019

Huling Mensahe
natti_pluto natti_pluto Feb 27, 2019 09:44PM
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Mga kuwento ni ⚡️Natti and Pluto🌊
Pluto and Natti's OC Oneshots ni natti_pluto
Pluto and Natti's OC Oneshots
Preferences and oneshots for our original characters. Not (X-READER.) Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2019
ranking #7 sa uselessinfo Tingnan ang lahat ng rankings
Founders ni natti_pluto
Ever wonder how the Founders made Hogwarts, and why? Ever wonder what happened before Hogwarts? You're about...
ranking #44 sa helgahufflepuff Tingnan ang lahat ng rankings