Hey! My name is Nattie. Nice to meet you.

I write books on heartbreak, teen problems or fanfiction. Currently, I am working on a book called Dream boy. So I hope it's going to be good.

@audreytanweiyen is my awesome bestie. She's a potterhead and she's working on a short story. She's DA BOMB!

Also, @ZLJarvis is my writing buddy and best friend. You should go check her out, she's working on something too.

"And though you're dead and gone,
Believe me, we'll carry on,"

-MCR, Welcome to the Black Parade.

Ok I guess that's all... Bye.

*walks away slowly*
  • NO
  • Đã tham giaApril 25, 2013

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
nattieo nattieo Jul 27, 2016 11:48AM
I'm suddenly sucked into the world of fan fiction. Danngggggg it. 
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