Any updates? Every time I watch the movie I read the story so it always gets a happy ending❤️
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LONG OVER DUE UPDATE Hi guys, I'm so sorry that I have been MIA for nearly 4 months but I came back from studying abroad and am now nearly at the end of the semester. I have exams in 2 weeks so I have to study hard for them. Don't worry, I am alive :) Absolutely in shocked that Bloomington 2 has reached 200K + viewers (WHAT?! someone pinch me please). All of the comments meant so much to me and has given me more motivation to finish off Bloomington 2. The script writing is still in the works, and I hope that if my book goes viral one day, that both the cast and the director/producer can see (then consider the decision to make a Bloomington 2 movie). The new developing chapter/s are in the works still. I have so many ideas that I want to write but want to take the time to create an ending that Bloomington fans deserve. As always, I'll keep you all updated until I'm done with the new chapter/s and the film updates. If anyone can help to make my book go viral to get the director/producer and the cast members to read my book, that would help so so much! ❤️ With love, nattlie01 x
@floromanoff omg really?! Please let me know if you can find the director's instagram username page :)
Any updates? Every time I watch the movie I read the story so it always gets a happy ending❤️
LONG OVER DUE UPDATE Hi guys, I'm so sorry that I have been MIA for nearly 4 months but I came back from studying abroad and am now nearly at the end of the semester. I have exams in 2 weeks so I have to study hard for them. Don't worry, I am alive :) Absolutely in shocked that Bloomington 2 has reached 200K + viewers (WHAT?! someone pinch me please). All of the comments meant so much to me and has given me more motivation to finish off Bloomington 2. The script writing is still in the works, and I hope that if my book goes viral one day, that both the cast and the director/producer can see (then consider the decision to make a Bloomington 2 movie). The new developing chapter/s are in the works still. I have so many ideas that I want to write but want to take the time to create an ending that Bloomington fans deserve. As always, I'll keep you all updated until I'm done with the new chapter/s and the film updates. If anyone can help to make my book go viral to get the director/producer and the cast members to read my book, that would help so so much! ❤️ With love, nattlie01 x
@floromanoff omg really?! Please let me know if you can find the director's instagram username page :)
Have you talked to the makers of Bloomington? Or just writing the script?
hey girl any update??
@summheerbyplay hey girl! Had a break after coming back from my study abroad from the United States, but am getting back into finishing Bloomington 2 and the script sorting out. Also still studying at university so am trying to finish writing up in my downtime sessions :)
NEW CHAPTER (S) POSTED! NOT DONE YET Hi guys, the time has come with me posting 2 CHAPTERS (Chapter 46- New Beginnings and Chapter 47- The Wedding) for Bloomington 2. As the title of my announcement states, this series is not done yet! After numerous of drafting and editing, while balancing my personal life, I decided it is best that I will split the ending sections into separate chapters. Also, the reason why I decided to post both chapter 46 & 47 at the same time is my sincere apology for taking a long time in finalising Bloomington 2. UPDATE for Bloomington 2 film: script is still in process (near the half way mark!) However, my main goal is to get the book done p.s I'm not ready for this to end. Re-reading the editing sections is making me cry in bed :( As always, I'll keep you all updated. Enjoy the 2 chapters and feel free to ask me anything along the way. Forever grateful for all of you ❤️ With love, nattlie01 x
Hello to my Bloomington 2 fans (Update!) I'm so so sorry that I haven't been active as much due to me working 2 jobs and studying full time at university (currently exam season). I received so many messages from people asking about Bloomington 2 and I am trying my best to get on top of that. I am nearly nearly done with the script writing and will send an email out to Fernanda (director for the Bloomington movie). I wrote Bloomington 2 as a draft in high school and submitted it for competitions and won awards, so I hope that Fernanda can see how much we all needed this book into a movie. Hopefully she can have a read and give me a response, and of course I will update you all! I will be going to Los Angeles in 2 weeks for a university research course (fun fact: I study Psychology & do Pre-Law) so I'm trying to get my Bloomington stuff done before I fly out. For the last chapter, I'm in the final stage of editing (I just want it to be perfect). All of the comments, love, and support from everyone is something that always hold a special place in my heart forever. Any questions, queries, or anything in general you are more than happy to pop a comment down here and I will try my best to answer them all. Forever grateful for all of the support. With love, nattlie01 x
@NathanOB Thank you so much! Yes, Fernanda left us hanging in the ending. Currently in the process of finishing the last chapter ❤️
any update on the script or the new chapterrrrrr???
@summerbyplay been so so busy with uni and work! I am going to do an update message for all of my fans ❤️
Hi guys! NEWS & UPDATE (BLOOMINGTON 2 FILM) - I had a thorough thought about reaching out to the director and producer for the Bloomington 2 movie, and I decided that it is best for me to write up a film script first. Best news is that I am nearly half way into writing the film script! It's hard for me at the moment (since I'm still studying at university and have assignments and exams to juggle!) but I'm trying to get the script done so I can get in contact with the director and producer ASAP. - For the Bloomington 2 book ending, I'm contemplating on submitting the final chapter. Since I'm in the middle of writing the film script, I will write up the script first and once I reach towards the end of the script, then I can edit the perfect ending that we all deserve. Any questions, feel free to message me privately or on here! I will try my best to get back to everyone's messages and THANK YOU to my amazing fans/readers that are spreading the love for Bloomington 2. i.e. manifesting so hard that my book can be a movie with both Alison McAtee and Sarah Stouffer in it (also same director and producer). As always, I will keep updating you all ❤️ With love, nattlie01 x
@NathanOB hi! I am getting the script done and editing the last few bits of the last chapter. Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful message (and yes, I won't forget t breathe) xx
@nattlie01 oh please. if you can get Bloomington 2 produced i could die. I've been waiting for this moment for 14 years. The story you wrote is beautiful and noteworthy. You have given us fans the opportunity to imagine all the words you have written and to immerse ourselves in the continuum of the story that we deserve to read and see. Good luck for everything, aaand DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE xoxo
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