
          	I’m posting Craving Affection on AO3 within the next few days and it’ll be a little remastered. I’m adding a scene and doing some re-editing (making it more pretty and dramatic more or less). I’ve wanted to mess with it for a little bit now so I think since I’m still working on my big project for Two Bottoms Won’t Work (my Ice Cream spin-off on AO3) this will be fun to do in the background.
          	Breaking The Veil is officially on hiatus. I’m sad. Not sure when I’ll be able to pick that back up but I imagine it won’t be until after my AO3 story is complete. 
          	I’ve been debating on posting my new stuff on wattpad but honestly I just haven’t had the motivation so maybe eventually? Idk
          	Please hmu on twitter and subscribe to me on AO3 for updates tho. If you haven’t read Ice Cream then you should lol and then come read the spin off bc it’s so good and probably my best work. As of today it’s at 86,000+ words with two chapters left and ugh I just love it so much


          I’m posting Craving Affection on AO3 within the next few days and it’ll be a little remastered. I’m adding a scene and doing some re-editing (making it more pretty and dramatic more or less). I’ve wanted to mess with it for a little bit now so I think since I’m still working on my big project for Two Bottoms Won’t Work (my Ice Cream spin-off on AO3) this will be fun to do in the background.
          Breaking The Veil is officially on hiatus. I’m sad. Not sure when I’ll be able to pick that back up but I imagine it won’t be until after my AO3 story is complete. 
          I’ve been debating on posting my new stuff on wattpad but honestly I just haven’t had the motivation so maybe eventually? Idk
          Please hmu on twitter and subscribe to me on AO3 for updates tho. If you haven’t read Ice Cream then you should lol and then come read the spin off bc it’s so good and probably my best work. As of today it’s at 86,000+ words with two chapters left and ugh I just love it so much


@naturallyvante sorry to hear about Breaking The Veil. Hopefully you'll get inspiration again because really it was something great. I'll check out your ao3.


It’s been a while since I’ve checked up on wattpad. Honestly I turned notifications off for a little bit. I find myself reading and posting on ao3 more often these days but there are parts of me that really miss this website. I logged in today to see praise for Breaking The Veil and a handful of votes and reads on Doppelganger and some cute comments and I want to say thank you :)
          Right now I’m mostly focused on writing my spinoff from my book Ice Cream. A lot of people have read it and given it love which fills my heart. If you’ve read Ice Cream, I highly encourage you to check out the spin off that is posted on AO3 called “Two Bottoms Won’t Work.” It’s set about one year after Ice Cream ended canonly (the only thing different is I changed the bad guy from Namjoon to someone else). You can follow the link in my profile to find it. 
          Whenever it’s done I’ll probably post it on here as well.
          As for Breaking The Veil, I’m not struggling necessarily but the motivation is lacking to keep writing it. This is probably my own fault because I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to my writing and when I was rereading it a few weeks ago I thought it was lacking. The story is very involved and it’s difficult to keep up with all the pieces and personal character motives, especially when I’m not 100% focused on it due to other writings. 
          However, I do plan on drafting my next chapter next week in order to keep it going. I do not want to put it on hiatus or take a break from it AT ALL. And the Monsta X comeback will probably help with muse lol
          Anyway, hope everyone had a good new year :)


@naturallyvante thanks!!!!! Yes, but I like uploading here it is straight forward. For this story I just copy and paste to Ao3. Ao3 is great but there is so much info to input.


Thanks :) it’s hard to keep up with both platforms sometimes. And best of luck to you too!!


@naturallyvante I have been wondering alot about you. It is nice to see this indepth edit. I am still on here but with my one story. I understand how you are posting more on Ao3. I already have 2 other works on there that I don't know if I will bring here. 
            I am excited to know about Breaking The Veil and I am looking forward to an update and getting caught up. Take your time! Best of luck


Hi! Im sure you don't remember me since I changed my user and pfp. But I'm pretty sure u has the book love is a lie? Amd it was based off the theories? I always came back and checked to remind u I loved the book and I came back and see it's gone (if this is you lol) am k crazy? Or are u just not the person who made that amazing book:/ 


Aww hey! Yeah that was me! I unpublished it bc there were so much that came out this year I couldn’t keep up with it. I also gave my account a crazy make over and unpublished books that were on hiatus :( but! I’ll be revisiting it after the next comeback. I’m sorry I took it down :( thank you for reading it!!!!


Does anyone have some writing goals for 2019?
          I want to finish Breaking The Veil lol but who knows when that will be the story is so long and extra
          I also want to write more one shots 
          Also I want to write my got7 story. I scrapped my first idea but I have a few more to play with so hopefully those will come to light


Oh! Thanks!!!!!! :) 


@CreativeExplosion good luck with your new idea!


omg ice cream hit 10k im weeping