And lastly: suicide is not funny. Suicide is not a joke. Suicide is not a tool to be used to kink shame others. Depression and suicide are very real, very scary realities ESPECIALLY among the LGBTQIA community. If you are suffering with depression or thoughts of suicide, please reach out to someone. You matter, you have value, people will cry for you if you lose your battle. Depression has a way of blinding you to change and to time. When you're depressed, you can't remember that things change or what it was like to feel happy. Sometimes it feels like there's no way out but I assure you there is. I promise you that there are resources to help you no matter who you are or what your situation is. And I promise you things get better. In fact things get good. Depression destroys your ability to see it but life is beautiful, there are people who love you, and there is nothing to be gained by ending your life and everything to lose. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1 (800) 273-8255. Don't ever think you are alone, no matter where or who you are, it’s hard to see them but there are a million and one hands reaching out to pull you back from the brink. That's all guys, thank you so much for taking the time to read, I hope you have an amazing day in which you remember both how special and how normal you are! Bye, Loves!