Hey. Um I don't know if anyone reads these or if you get notifications or whatever but I'm going to start a new story. For those of you that don't know my other story got deleted by the hacker. Those of you that don't know about the hacker just know that someone hacked into my account and threatened to delete it but then I got it back and I was stupid enough to use the same password so they hacked back into it and deleted the story and I got back into it and have a new password so it's all good. Unfortunately I didn't save any of my old story so I can't keep working on it or repost it. So if you guys want me to keep writing I will and I do have inspiration for a new story about Myles so if you guys could please read it when it's posted please do and please share it because I don't think I'll have the same amount of readers as I did before. And for those of you that stayed here all this time and are now reading this and are excited to read my new story thanks so much for sticking by me and I know this sounds stupid because like it sounds like I think I'm famous or something but it really means a lot when my story gets read because I'm basically a nobody and the fact that people like my writing is just amazing so thank all of you guys and I'm really excited to write a new story so please comment on this if you will read it because I'd like to know how many people are actually going to read it and if it's even worth writing but yeah that's pretty much it thank you for reading this and I know it's really long and if you're at the end of it and you actually read all of this thank you and you're awesome and let's be friends lol