
Hey everyone, hope everyone’s been good. I’ve been thinking I’m going to Rehaul this whole story cause it didn’t stick to my original plan and a bit of it is unrealistic especially when it’s supposed to be loosely yet somewhat based off of a true story and inspired by a lot of other books and television shows. If you’re truly interested in my story and think that the name of the book should be changed as well please let me know.


Hey everyone, hope everyone’s been good. I’ve been thinking I’m going to Rehaul this whole story cause it didn’t stick to my original plan and a bit of it is unrealistic especially when it’s supposed to be loosely yet somewhat based off of a true story and inspired by a lot of other books and television shows. If you’re truly interested in my story and think that the name of the book should be changed as well please let me know.


Please read the updated version of my story. I've changed the plot around and i've completed the first book. the second book is already in progress. I know it ends sounding unfinished but everything continues on in the next two stories


Decided to redo the whole story.  I felt like there was just too much going on and it was even confusing for me to figure out what the heck kind of a story i was trying to tell. So here is the polished version of "The North Shore Diaries" first book "Ghost of Parties Past." In this story i really would just like to introduce you as much as I can to the girls.