How much do you know about decorating a Christmas tree?

@demonwithxn, ⠀⠀ every cat has a different personality, there’s definitely one out there that could fit well with you. [while he left, she continued to decorate the tree with ornaments until she was satisfied. when she was satisfied, she brought out some more tinsel, this time wrapping it around the other way so that they would intersect nicely.] oh, that’s cruel! you’d probably hurt that poor snake if you threw it.. and maybe the person you throw it at.

I'm not sure if I should be offended you think I'm like a fluffy, cute cat or flattered. Quite possibly both, at this stage * as he spoke, he had headed into the kitchen, searching for what he needed in order to make the hot chocolate. He had left the door between the two rooms open so she could hear him, continuing with his train of thought as he set down the mugs on the counter * And I'm not quite sure what I'd do with a snake. Maybe throw it at someone? That could be fun.

@demonwithxn, ⠀⠀ [narcissa was not naive, she knew all of his intentions with that— she just didn’t need the heartache that would follow if she went with it. he was always a confusing man, she just didn’t need that for her life in her current moment of life. no, she needed to focus on her studies— get away from the boy problems.] i don’t know if it would bite you, but it would definitely have teeth. ( .. ) hm… perhaps a cat? oh, or maybe a dog. i like the cat better, suits you really well, but maybe a snake would do.