
I really want to take the time to give all of my deepest condolences to Hwall and his family. I’m so sorry for your loss and I know that scare will never heal as he was your father. You will always love him and he will always be in your heart and in my prayers I’m so sorry Hwall.


I really want to take the time to give all of my deepest condolences to Hwall and his family. I’m so sorry for your loss and I know that scare will never heal as he was your father. You will always love him and he will always be in your heart and in my prayers I’m so sorry Hwall.


Dang I don’t even know how to start honestly I’m very sad about Wanna One’s disbandment but I’m happy for everything the boys accomplished in the year of 2018. I’m also very happy that they had nice memories and fans that supported them. I’ve been a Wannable or fan since the show and it’s very hard to see them part ways. I don’t know if I can cry because I’m just very shocked at how the year passed so fast. It feels like yesterday when I was rooting on for the show. Now the spring breeze carried these energetic beautiful boys like a boomerang throughout the year but in the end I know they will always come back to me and I promise them that I will always remember their time as Wanna one and how they always burned up the stage with their light and ability to shine brightly on stage. For Wannables always remember Wanna One + Wannables = 1!!!!!! Let’s continue to show these boys support and love throughout their career no matter what they choose to do with their lives. Thank you Wanna One for all of your hard work you will always be loved Goodbye.