
" ' You better gimme your lunch money because all you're getting is a knuckle sandwich . ' . . . okay i'm sorry i didn't mean it — "




          	  “ … “
          	  :WAIL: ☠️


Mortals were assholes , Akari knew this best . But even so , today had been the worst by far and had let him with the most injuries . Apparently , if a group of humans hate you enough , they'll try stoning you even if that stopped in the middle ages . He hadn't ever done anything to harm humanity , People just thought he was evil and bad because of his parents .
          Rosalina wasn't even inherently evil , just viewed that way because of what she had to do . Now , Bill being an awful person he would accept , because there was no denying that his father had done so many awful things to people who didn't deserve it . The young dream demon didn't even really take after his parents , the only thing he took were his looks . Personality wise , he might be a gremlin but he's sweet and kind hearted .
          All this to say , he didn't deserve what had happened to him today . 
          Akari walked through the door of the house , hoping that he was the only one home . No one needed to see the gash in his head , or the multiple cuts on his body . He just needed some time to think , don't time to regenerate . If he went into object head form , the wounds on his face would be much more obvious , and it was easier to hide it with his hair . 


            Fortunately enough , Harper was actually planning to visit Akari ! Right after she had finished school for the day , the skateboarder had picked up her skateboard and strutted on over to Akari's house .
            " Man I just mastered this sick trick — Well , I think . Hopefully . " She laughed to herself as she continued to skate to the house , watching it grow from the distance the farther she skated . She had already proofed the trick with Cassidy , Azlin or Astro ! Now showing the final product to Akari , good lord was she nervous yet excited .
            " Ah ! Here we are ! " She hummed out and came to a stop , now noticing the door had been left open . Huh , weird . Harper squinted her eyes . Would it be a good idea to go through  into someone's house without permission ? No . Not at all . But the fact it had remained open said a lot to her , and she didn't even know that Akari had recently entered the house .
            Picking up the skateboard while making her way up the short stairwell and through the open door , Harper carefully trudged through . " Hello ? Akari , you hike ? Or did some wack weirdo break in and I'll have to throw the stars in their face ? " She called out . Hopefully he was home . 


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┊; :moose: 
          The Virtue would usually examine people from afar , in the present time of this day , at least . The mortals messed that up long ago , and now , angels weren’t necessarily allowed to be seen . Either they were always up in Heaven now , or it was hard to see them with the naked eye . Otherwise , it was impossible to catch them with a single spec of the pupil . 
          Angelique stayed in the mortal realm most of the time . It was her job to watch over the earth , skies and seas anyway . She enjoyed doing it , but would have enjoyed it better if she was aloud to talk to mortals again . She was able to get information from them back then in such an easier matter , but now ? She couldn’t even speak to them . They couldn’t even see her .
          As of right now , the Virtue was in a body of water . The only thing you could see was from her nose and above . Everything else was consumed by the water , and what do ‘ya know ? She was examining someone .. From afar . Well , not really . They had their back turned to her , so she could kind of just look at them as she pleased . Stupidly enough , she thought it would be a smart idea to reach out and try to touch their hair — But nope ! That didn’t happen since they immediately turned around . She kind of just sat there for a moment , but it immediately .. Hit her that they could see her with the naked eye . That was evident by how horrified they seemed . 
          And with that ? She quickly ducked under the water , trying her best to hide herself . 
          Maybe if you weren’t so fucking stupid , Angelique — 


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┊; Legend says she’s injecting her with Mountain Dew. /j 
          You’d think this apothecary would be someone to make medicine for others , for GOOD things , just like her mother did . But no . The stuff she made wasn’t the slightest bit good . Poison . Pure poison is what she made . But .. Why ? Simple . She wants to get rid of that damned murderer , the one who murdered her mom . ▇▇▇▇ . She knew it couldn’t die .. But to possibly make something that could weaken it internally and hopefully let someone do damage to it to the point it can’t get up off the ground ? And lets be real , what if .. She could find something to kill it ? You never know . It’s always worth a shot . Vengeance was hers , and she WOULD get it on that damned circle - headed bitch . 
          Of course .. She had kidnapped someone , and injected a medicine into them to cause them to pass out .. Fall asleep ? Whatever . It wasn’t even that long before she had returned to the mansion with the sleeping body , tying the child up to a random chair in the room , waiting for the being to wake up . You’re probably wondering .. Why was she kidnapping people ? C’mon , isn’t it obvious ? If she needs to find out if a poison is going to work or if it’s effective , she needs a test subject . A body . Once she’s done ? Just kill the victim and toss them into the nearby lake outside . Not that hard , she always has .
          The poor square - headed dream demon was completely startled once she heard the loud , ear - piercing screaming . Welp , the kid was awake , obviously . But this woman has a temper .. That SHOULDN’T be messed with . 
          Ripping off her goggles , she threw them at the child’s face , a low growl emitting from her frame as she slammed her hands down onto the table , a few of the test tubes even moving and nearly shattering . “ FOR AXOLOTL’S SAKE , SHUT THE FUCK UP ! “ She boomed , her eye shifting into a dark hue of red , giving the girl a complete death stare . 
          Yeah , Harper . Be careful . Be wise . 


            Eugh , she always hated this part . Explaining . Y’know , she should really just start answering with , ‘ none of your business ‘ .. But she felt like that’d be unfair , y’know ? I mean , this would be the last time the victim may see a blink of day , eh ? 
            Letting out a groan , the female dream demon pinched her eyelid in irritation . She just wanted to get it done and over with . She was tired anyway , and she wanted to just go get some sleep .. Even though she should be invading the dreams of others . Whatever . She never had interest in that , and probably never will . 
            “ I kidnapped you , “ Hazel spoke , rather bluntly as she walked over to the nearby window , ripping the curtains closed , preventing from anyone to see inside . Don’t want to get caught , now , do we ? She’d rather not end up behind bars again .. For the 230th time — “ I need you for .. Something . None of your business what . “ 
            The apothecary made her way over to the girl , her hands behind her back , just .. Staring down at her , in an unsettling manner . Suddenly , she slammed both of her hands down onto the armrests , causing them to crack from how hard she had grabbed them . Yeesh , this woman was .. Pretty well built anyway .. She looked very strong , and seemed as if she could beat someone up in seconds . That’s because she could , haha . Intimidating manner .. Hm , she seems all too much like .. What’s his name again ? Ta — Never mind . His name shouldn’t be mentioned around her . 
            “ I do suggest .. “ The dream demon spoke , bending down so she would be level with the girls face . “ That if you don’t want to end up like them over there , you better keep your mouth shut . “ She said , motioning down towards the trail of blood right underneath the chair , and where did the trail go ? Right over to a pile of 6 dead bodies in the corner of the room . The bodies were , quite literally , people she had kidnapped and killed in just one day . Today , actually .


            // EXTRA SUGAR RAAHHH…. RAAAAAHHH :fire:
            Yikes .
            Bad situation , even worse than the last time ! Oh Harper , how did you end up here again ? Simple . She didn't know because somehow , some way , she didn't remember a single event prior to the moment she sat in . But she knows she in trouble .
            Her eye twitched as she struggled to even move in the chair . What . . the heck was happening ? Again , she didn't know . Dear lord , Harper , maybe don't struggle and you'll possibly live ? Hah ! Who is anyone kidding ? She won't live . Probably .
            " NOT UNLESS I KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING FIRST PLEASE ?! " Harper hissed at the square - headed dream demon after the impact of the goggles , only slightly wincing . Surprisingly she felt a little . . numb ? Not too much but maybe just a tad bit so it didn't hurt . Huh — side effects already for some reason ?
            Looking at the environment around , she couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine . Laboratory . Vials . Spotted syringes in the corner of the room . Bad .
            Absolutely bad .


" ' You better gimme your lunch money because all you're getting is a knuckle sandwich . ' . . . okay i'm sorry i didn't mean it — "




            “ … “
            :WAIL: ☠️


" welcome to my kitchen ! as you can see we have a lot of chairs . first off , number one , eat the plastic and observe . "


            " please akariii ? it's flavored plasticc :( "


            " Harper , I'm not healing you again . "


            " not unless ya put your mind to it ! "


" broom booomm vrooooommm coca cola espuma — ‼️‼️‼️‼️ "




            " dad wait don— "


            Bro just cuddles his daughter .


          Although the child was dead , she would still come down and out of ‘ Heaven ‘ just to see the things she could have grown up with . She didn’t expect to die in her mother’s womb , but sadly enough , sometimes death comes quicker than it does for most people . She was only around 10,000 years old , which would be 10 in human years . Just because she was dead , didn’t mean she wouldn’t age . However , she was told she would stop aging at 20 trillion , which would be 20 in human years .
          Hazel usually didn’t come to this place called Gravity Falls . The little apothecary could really only be found in NightVale .. Somewhat . She would observe her father , watching him bet with others and being able to see him in his most broken times . Unfortunately , since she was dead .. Nobody could see her . You can’t see dead people . That’s just how the universe works . ▇▇▇▇ was the only being , other than The Axolotl , that could see the deceased living . So no , her father couldn’t see her . Sometimes , he would end up walking right through her , and it broke her heart . Hazel sure did hope one day , she could find someone other than ▇▇▇▇ and The Axolotl that could see the dead . 
          She definitely did not expect to get caught in the rain .. But she didn’t want to go back yet . She wanted to stay down here . A child is bound to be curious . She was currently walking through the woods , her light green umbrella over her squared - head as she moved , shielding her off from the rain . That’s when she stopped . I .. What even was that thing — Doesn’t matter ! It seemed sad and she wanted to help it . 
          Making her way over to the other individual , she lightly moved her umbrella over their head , blocking the rain from hitting them . She didn’t care if she , was now getting soaked , she just wanted to help this other small female . Could she see her ? .. Maybe .. 


            O-Oh , so it talked , eh ? Just by Harper speaking , Hazel immediately knew that .. She could see her . And boy , this was a relief and miracle for her . Do you not know what she could do now that this individual could see her ? She could possibly get in contact with her father with the help of who ever this was — But first , she needs to get to know her better . 
            You could literally see the stars in Hazel’s eye , as she loomed over the soaked , yet crying person . Damn — This kid was pretty tall for her age , I must say —“ GOODNESS GRACIOUS YOU ARE SO ADORABLEEEE ! “ The child squealed out , reaching down to pat the girls head , but .. Her hand just went through ? Oh , right . She forgot .. 
            Y’know , this square - headed child did seem pretty off ? I mean , she seemed to be slightly transparent . You could see right through her , actually . And if you’re wondering how she could touch her umbrella without her hand going through it ? It was an object from ‘ Heaven ‘ , meaning she could touch it . 
            Letting out an awkward laugh and pulling her hand away , she plopped the handle of her umbrella into Harper’s hands , placing the fabric’s shield over her head . 
            “ Hmm .. ‘ya know ‘ya mortals can get sick , right ? It’s probably cold right now ! “ The girl spoke , her pointer finger inching up towards the sky . The rain seemed to just .. Go right through her body . And no , she could not tell if it was cold or hot right now . She could not feel the atmosphere around her . Sure , the rain was still soaking her , but she could not feel it . 
            Hm .. Something WAS definitely up here .. Harper would probably catch up to it , eventually —


            // SNIIIIIIFFFFFF…….
            Arguments .
            Everyone hates them , everyone despises them and Harper is certainly no exception to that . She had well , gotten in an argument with her parents once more before she had finally found the need to run away from home once more to go and curl herself under a tree to think off of what she had said . Surely , she'd apologize later . They were doing it for her best , I think .
            With her face buried into her tear - stained sleeves , Harper hadn't noticed the sudden stop of the rain pattering at her . And when she finally did , she decided to stay put for a moment . Where . . did the rain go ? Did it stop raining ? Better to look up if you'd want to see it for yourself kiddo .
            When she had finally looked up , she stared at the being with confusion , yet gratitude . And yes , I mean directly into her eye . She blinked at first , processing if this was real or she was just having a dream .
            " . . Hello ? " She croaked out , her voice slightly hoarse . Shouldn't have raised your voice earlier . But that doesn't matter . Who was this person ? Certainly not anyone out of the ordinary type of person . She had seen many individuals like so . But never in her life had she seen this person , so . . who was this ?


Castor was used to moving around , but even this was a bit much . 5 times within the last year and each time he got no explanation as to way they were moving yet again . Eaach time , the only reason people wanted to get to know him was because of his accent . 
          The boy had moved over seas from England when he was around 6 so he still had an accent which people seemed to love . Now here he was in Gravity Falls , a small town that seemed pretty boring compared to the other places he'd been . 
          Currently , he was standing in front of his new classmates , listening as the teacher introduced him as the new student . " Hello , I'm Castor . I hope we can all be friends . "


            She smiled and gave him a small wave . Honestly , there were not many new kids around the area she lived in , really . If there were , they would easily come and go . Most moved away after a few months , no more than a year .
            " It's nice to meet you too ! " Harper said him , a kind smile presented on her expression .
            " Sooo … how did you end up moving here ? Usually the new kids move again after a while , but haha ! Still ! It's interesting learning why people come here , unless that's too personal — then well , my bad !! "


            Castor tilted his head to the side , Harper giving him a sense of curiosity . Before long , Castor was seated next to her , nervously messing with his brown hair . " It's a pleasure to meet you Harper . . "
            Castor wasn't sure about Harper , but he figuered maybe she would actually be willing to be his friend , and hopefully she wouldn't say anyhting anout his eyes . 
            Castor has two toned eyes , one blue eye , and one eye that looks to be red . He usually kept this hidden from most because he was afraid of people calling him awful things like they had in the past .


            // YAAWWWNSS
            A new person ? Huh ? Wait a new person ? Sorry , a new PERSON ??
            Harper's ears perked up at this as she glanced up , her eyes going into stars as she waved .
            " Hi Castor !! I'm Harper !! I'd LOVE to be friends with you!! " She beamed out as the gazes of others turned onto her . Harper hadn't noticed for a moment before she looked around , embarrassedly chuckling to herself as she sat down , rubbing the back of her head .
            … wow , she was rather excited to meet him , wasn't she ?


" i swallowed shampoo probably gonna die it smelled like fruit that was a lie — "


            * Insert Jin from the next room * 
            " Called the number on the bottle , spoke to a guy - "




            “ GOOD . Best NEWS I’VE heard all DAY . “ 