Mortals were assholes , Akari knew this best . But even so , today had been the worst by far and had let him with the most injuries . Apparently , if a group of humans hate you enough , they'll try stoning you even if that stopped in the middle ages . He hadn't ever done anything to harm humanity , People just thought he was evil and bad because of his parents . Rosalina wasn't even inherently evil , just viewed that way because of what she had to do . Now , Bill being an awful person he would accept , because there was no denying that his father had done so many awful things to people who didn't deserve it . The young dream demon didn't even really take after his parents , the only thing he took were his looks . Personality wise , he might be a gremlin but he's sweet and kind hearted . All this to say , he didn't deserve what had happened to him today . Akari walked through the door of the house , hoping that he was the only one home . No one needed to see the gash in his head , or the multiple cuts on his body . He just needed some time to think , don't time to regenerate . If he went into object head form , the wounds on his face would be much more obvious , and it was easier to hide it with his hair .

@STARRY-SK1ES Fortunately enough , Harper was actually planning to visit Akari ! Right after she had finished school for the day , the skateboarder had picked up her skateboard and strutted on over to Akari's house . " Man I just mastered this sick trick — Well , I think . Hopefully . " She laughed to herself as she continued to skate to the house , watching it grow from the distance the farther she skated . She had already proofed the trick with Cassidy , Azlin or Astro ! Now showing the final product to Akari , good lord was she nervous yet excited . " Ah ! Here we are ! " She hummed out and came to a stop , now noticing the door had been left open . Huh , weird . Harper squinted her eyes . Would it be a good idea to go through into someone's house without permission ? No . Not at all . But the fact it had remained open said a lot to her , and she didn't even know that Akari had recently entered the house . Picking up the skateboard while making her way up the short stairwell and through the open door , Harper carefully trudged through . " Hello ? Akari , you hike ? Or did some wack weirdo break in and I'll have to throw the stars in their face ? " She called out . Hopefully he was home .