
Hello :D so after 10 minutes of reading and trying to edit my own fanfiction I realise that my writing is beyond help and that I probably should rewrite everything because i feel like killing myself while reading my old works :') 
          	I'll be making a new account and I'll be writing new stuff there! I'm not really sure what it'll be called yet but I'll keep you updated :D I will probably transfer some of my better, salvageable works into the other account ;v; 


Aaaand the new account is called @aycirtx_ (that's how you find me on Instagram too huehuehue) AHHAHAH SORRY ;-;


Hey I hope your doing ok uh I had I question uh ya know how it's been like 7 years since you've posted a new chapter on how far we've fallen are you gonna up date it bc it's a real good book and if not I'd like to know if I could get permission to @ you and continue the story bc it's been awhile and I kinda just sitting there and I kinda had an au like this I didn't post anything about it tho it's still in imagination box rn but now I'm rambling on I under stand if you just don't want to finish it or if you want to finish it but are trying to find a way to do so I love your story and just wanted to tell you to stay safe out there 


Hello, I've read tmnt dark side and its splendid, really a piece of work i love ur silly little comments and chapters ur really funny and sweet. that's really all wanted to say...oh! I know this is like 5-4 years late but whateves. Hope u have a GREAT day!! :) :)