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Hej akurat czytam książkę Grahama Mastertona "Kandydat z piekła" i wpadł mi do głowy pomysł aby przepisać ją na Wattpada i co wy na to aby to zrobić? Chcecie to zobaczyć?
@64rydbI understand what you mean, man. I was once in a similar situation, but then a fifty-year-old man recruited me to his house and I didn't know what to do and I was terribly terrified of what he did to me.
@need1920 this wingwing, is only doing this because he had a rp he didn't liked in the past, we both have followed our own ways after it, and never have talked with each other again... He thinks I was directly talking with a minor because I was a pedo, but in reality I had OBVIOUSLY checked your profile/storeis to see what you had done before I even had contacted you throught the DMs of wattpad. We even had done a rp of the paw patrol as merpups, and everthing was fine mate. :)
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Thanks for the follow!!
Need don’t trust 64rydb! He’s a pedophile!
@wingwing7722 Look, for me if he was ok, and even begin a chat after we have talked about the type of rp, we were doing it was fine, us both had consent in doing this rp together, I just had blocked you because. 1 - It's of free will and not forced way, of the people or who I contact have their way on doig the collabs with me. 2 - You think I don't have checked their profiles before, to see what they were doing before I had engaged. Sexyplay for example has stories of paw patrol having sex betwenn them, and as you said she's a minor, you'll report her too? 3 - As for need1920, we yes had done a little rp on a merpup style, all was good and we have finished it in good terms. 4 - As for you we had done that first rp on discord, it was good, you even was happy, and later you said you actually weren't confortable on doing it with me, no problem, I even had interrupted the chat with you, and we both followed our own ways.
Hi mate, can we talk?
Hej akurat czytam książkę Grahama Mastertona "Kandydat z piekła" i wpadł mi do głowy pomysł aby przepisać ją na Wattpada i co wy na to aby to zrobić? Chcecie to zobaczyć?
@64rydbI understand what you mean, man. I was once in a similar situation, but then a fifty-year-old man recruited me to his house and I didn't know what to do and I was terribly terrified of what he did to me.
@need1920 this wingwing, is only doing this because he had a rp he didn't liked in the past, we both have followed our own ways after it, and never have talked with each other again... He thinks I was directly talking with a minor because I was a pedo, but in reality I had OBVIOUSLY checked your profile/storeis to see what you had done before I even had contacted you throught the DMs of wattpad. We even had done a rp of the paw patrol as merpups, and everthing was fine mate. :)
Ja akurat wczoraj obejrzałem Psi Patrol Wielki Film i od razu mówię, że ona była o wiele lepsza niż część pierwsza. Tam było na prawdę sporo akcji i niektórych śmiesznych sytuacji. Fakt po prostu reżyser, który stworzył tą część to wykonał kawał dobrej roboty. Nie tylko tam była pokazana przeszłość Skye ale także ta bajka nauczyła, że nie ważne co robisz liczy się efekt końcowy. Jednym słowem jak walczysz ze swoją przeszłością to musisz walczyć do samego końca bo wtedy osiągniesz swój sukces i wiedz dobrze, że rodzina którą masz obok siebie będzie w stanie ci pomóc bez względu na to co się stanie bo rodzina jest najważniejsza.
dude, my cover for my book was ur profile LMAO. Paw Patrol The Great Adventure' is my third book im working on rn. Pawsome profile pic man. sorry if ur not english. but u earned a follow. :))
@wingwing7722I don't really care about what others say. For me, what matters is the end result, not how you start. Sooner or later, people who are on this website will understand the message I want to convey to them, which creates a completely different story
If people say u are trash and you can’t improve, come tell me and I’ll give them something they don’t wanna hear. Man, I support you. Don’t let people drag you down. Just be you.
I think ur doing fine. Not everyone is skilled for writing. But that doesn’t mean we can’t get better. My writing started out as trash and as time went on I got better. To this day I’m still working on my writing. You are doing fine. Just keep writing and you will get better. Also my first story is (I’m there you u) if you read it you will see how bad I was. I’m trying to improve my work as time goes on. Just be you and write like no tomorrow.
Dla wszystkich mam informację. Ja chyba wrócę do pisania opowieści z Psiego Patrolu ale ja nie będę pisał scen +18 bo nie chcę ryzykować blokady konta więc będę pisał jedną opowieść tylko muszę poczekać na decyzję od jednego autora bo chcę zrobić z jednej opowieści swoją polską wersję, którą mam przed oczami.
Pewnie będziecie się zastanawiać dlaczego nie ma opowieści z Psiego Patrolu. Dla mnie odpowiedź jest jedna: Nie chcę ryzykować zablokowania konta więc będę pisał zupełnie inne opowieści. Ale spokojnie ja zostawiłem akurat dwie opowieści ale ta ze Skye i Marshallem będzie nieaktualna. Dalej będę pisał historię o Marshallu ale będę pisał też zupełnie inne historie.
Mam pytanie czy znacie jakąkolwiek stronę internetową gdzie można zobaczyć za darmo Psi Patrol Wielki Film? Bo ja tego filmu szukam a nie mogę nigdzie go znaleźć aby go obejrzeć a na prawdę bym chciał tą część obejrzeć. Jak będziecie wiedzieli to na piszcie mi stronkę a ja spróbuję ją otworzyć.
@Chucamay_Original It can be in English, but what matters is that I can watch this part
@need1920 right now only on Spanish and English. I don't know where you can see it on polish
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