
Howdy y’all  i know I’ve been inactive for so long, but I’ve actually had ideas. I haven’t had those in a fat minute. I just came to say hello and promote one of my new fics. It’s called Ruby and i just have grown to love this one. It’s not finished, i started writing it awhile ago and i just came back to it and i really think it has potential. Please just take a look at it, leave comments, let me know what you think. It’s a josh dun fic, i hope you all like it. 


Howdy y’all  i know I’ve been inactive for so long, but I’ve actually had ideas. I haven’t had those in a fat minute. I just came to say hello and promote one of my new fics. It’s called Ruby and i just have grown to love this one. It’s not finished, i started writing it awhile ago and i just came back to it and i really think it has potential. Please just take a look at it, leave comments, let me know what you think. It’s a josh dun fic, i hope you all like it. 


Attention!!!! I have this fanfiction I want to find so bad. I read it when I first started using Wattpad. It's of Patrick stump and I think it's at least 40 chapters long or more. It's so sweet and it's about love. I also think Patrick thinks about suicide and stuff. I think Patrick and the main character have sex in the bunk on the tour bus. And Pete finds us in the bunk and starts laughing.  But I lost it and I can't find it. I don't know what it's called or what it looks like. I totally forgot. Please tell me if you find that specific book. I love it so much. Please, I'm begging you. Thank you for reading this message. -Me.