
Might fool around today and post Chapter 12 that’s been in my draft for literally 2 years. Is anybody ready/still around?


Ciao vale sempre la pena continuare, l'importante è trovare nuovi stimoli e nuove amicizie che magari possono darti quella spinta della quale hai bisogno. Anche io sono un pò restio ed annoiato e quindi cerco nuovi stimoliperchè la testa è piena di avventure ciao ciao


Hey whoever might read this,
          I was considering picking up where I left off with my story, especially since I have the 12th chapter pretty much written and I miss writing it but the lack of enthusiasm and feedback with my last chapter has made me think that I’ve lost everyone’s interest. Just checking back to see if anyone would want me to continue or if there’s no use bothering?


@nefariouscreature please continue!!! I miss reading Reba stuff! Cant find anything any more


No please do continue I absolutely love this story 