
Yall my sons surprise me by folding the clothes and doing the washing. They are nine and eight.


Still haven't gotten a name pick out for our son yet, I'm having a breakdown and a meltdown this mourning. 


@midnightsully we pick a name when we was searching, think you through.


@nefertiti2013 May I ask why? Don't cry! I can help you pick out your baby's name :)


Yesterday afternoon I went into early labor at 26 weeks and ending up having my baby Dec 31. I' hard cried like a river since he was born. I pray that he will say strong because I don't know what I would do if I lost him nor would my husband and my two  older boys and my stepsons. All of them has grown attached since I found out and I'm scared to even think about what will happen. We had a name picked out but he looks nothing like the name so now it's back to the drawing.


So I know I'm a little late on this but happy late Halloween.  Halloween was a blast and my children love it. Even through I wasn't able to go trick or treating with them because I wasn't feeling god by my husband took them and they got a tin of candy.  On a another not I am currently seventeen weeks and three days pregnant.  I have 22 weeks and four days before baby h is here. So exicted and blessed. 


i thought this was a special time but i can't do anything to change what happend, what i thought would be a good family trip with my sons and furture sons and my fiance turned into  tragedy. please pray for my fiance and this family at this time.