
In response to Trump’s statement on Trans people:
          	What the hell did we ever do to you?
          	Why do you hate us so much? Why do you want us dead? 
          	All we wanted was to exist. We never wanted anything more than the right to be ourselves, to be happy. There’s no such thing as the “Trans Agenda”, and you know it. You just want us dead. 
          	I understand that you’re afraid, that this is all something new to you, but that’s no excuse. My grandparents, who are in their 70s, at least tried to understand. You cling to the power and control that you know that you’re losing, just so you can pretend to still be relevant. You’re trying to silence us, to destroy us, just to feed your fragile ego. What the hell is wrong with you???
          	I hope you die before you can take power. I hope your body is dropped into a watery grave and eaten by sharks and scavenging birds, so no man can mourn you. I pray that the people will see through your deceptions, and that you become a pariah in our time.
          	Try to destroy us, and we will rise up. We will not sit in silence while you force us all into white-picket-fence 1950′s dystopia. We will rise, we will riot, and we will stop you by any means necessary. This is our oath. We protect our own.
          	Children will die because of you. The blood of our siblings is on your hands.


In response to Trump’s statement on Trans people:
          What the hell did we ever do to you?
          Why do you hate us so much? Why do you want us dead? 
          All we wanted was to exist. We never wanted anything more than the right to be ourselves, to be happy. There’s no such thing as the “Trans Agenda”, and you know it. You just want us dead. 
          I understand that you’re afraid, that this is all something new to you, but that’s no excuse. My grandparents, who are in their 70s, at least tried to understand. You cling to the power and control that you know that you’re losing, just so you can pretend to still be relevant. You’re trying to silence us, to destroy us, just to feed your fragile ego. What the hell is wrong with you???
          I hope you die before you can take power. I hope your body is dropped into a watery grave and eaten by sharks and scavenging birds, so no man can mourn you. I pray that the people will see through your deceptions, and that you become a pariah in our time.
          Try to destroy us, and we will rise up. We will not sit in silence while you force us all into white-picket-fence 1950′s dystopia. We will rise, we will riot, and we will stop you by any means necessary. This is our oath. We protect our own.
          Children will die because of you. The blood of our siblings is on your hands.


Hello guys gals and non binary pals! I am back after losing my password long ago!


@negativespeedforce we love the representation though