
uh..     hey—       how  are  you  holding  up?  


            but  that’s  just  it.     i  still  wish  i  were  dead.     i  wish  i  had  died,     and  i  feel  no  remorse  for  myself  when  i  say  that.     i  want  to  be  dead.     and  i  was  sitting  here,     every  day  after  the  fact,     wishing  that.     and  you  weren’t  there.


            that  doesn’t  mean  you  have  to  die,    mils.     i  don’t  want  you  to  die,    ever.      and  i’m  positive  there’s  a  bunch  of  other  people  who  you  mean  a  lot  to.      i  just..     i  don’t  know  what  to  do—       i  get  why  you’re  angry  at  me,      you  have  every  right.       but  when  i  killed  that  guy,      it  felt  like  the  right  thing.      as  sick  and  twisted  as  it  sounds,      we  all  know  he  deserved  it.       and  i  don’t  know  how  his  body  got  dug  up,      or  how  any  of  this  is  happening—       but  i’m  sorry,     i  really  am.      i’m  just  sick  of  seeing  you  getting  hurt,     because  i  care  about  you  more  than  i  ever  thought  i  did.     and  i  just  want  you  to  be  okay,      y’know?     and  if  it’s  not  one  hundred  percent  then  i  want  to  try  and  help  you  get  there.       but  i  don’t  want  you  to  die,      and  i  don’t  want  to  leave  you.       i  just  want  to  help  you  without  making  things  worse. 


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            not  part  of  me.     all  of  me.     i  have  six  siblings  and  i’m  one  of  the  oldest,     the  second  born.     you  can  see  where  i  fit  into  our  family  dynamic.     i’m  forgotten  most  days  and  i  became  okay  with  it.     i’m  relentlessly  bullied  at  school  every  single  day.     since  fucking  elementary  school,     but  obviously  high  school  is  a  whole  lot  worse.     when  i’m  not  at  school  i’m  at  home  because  i  don’t  get  invited  to  shit  and  everyone  i  know  that  doesn’t  hate  me  just  gets  busy.     and  that’s  okay  until  i  even  open  my  phone  and  there  it  is.     messages,     comments,     entire  accounts  dedicated  to  hating  me  because  this  is  high  school  and  why  wouldn’t  there  be?     it’s  obviously  kelsie’s  only  real  source  of  entertainment.     so  yes,     chase,     i  was  okay  with  it.     there  was  a  tiny  part  of  me  that  felt  so  bad  for  leaving  you  but  i  became  at  peace  with  it  when  i  finally  saw  you,     when  mila  went  and  got  you  and  you  were  there  with  me.     i  was  sure  you  could  get  over  it  and  that  you  would  get  your  revenge.     so,     yes.     i  wanted  to  die.


note to self,    never fight kelsie when she has her acrylics done   —   they claw you like a bitch.


            i did   —   for other reasons.


@probwitch         been  there  done  that,     but  you  fought  her?


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what the fuck happened to your face?


@probwitch          yeah—     thanks,     i  will.


            i’ll deal with him.     in the meantime,    please go clean up your face   —   it’s bleeding.


do  you  ever  smile? 


@unfateds          so,     chase  cortez,     whats  someone  like  you  doing  talking  to  someone  like  me?


            thats…     nice. 


@unfateds         yeah,     everyone  does.