
Get in!  Hidden Depths has been added to the 'Fight Clubs' reading list of Wattpad's official @action profile.  It's great to see the story up there next to The Mystery Fighter by @A_Elin 


Thanks for the nice words 


 As for the plot, I had a general idea about settings and characters at the start, then just got busy writing.  When it was flowing well all I had to do is watch what was going on in my imagination (yep, that overactive one my teachers were always complaining about) and write down what I saw.


Hi amuchan98,  thanks very much for the questions.  A lot of it is based on research (which is partly why it took so blooming long to write), but it's all been mashed up then stitched back together by my 'over-active' imagination.  I don't want to give away too many spoilers but if you Google up the catacombs of Paris, nootropics, Al Farabi, the Brethren or anything else that takes your fancy you'll be able to see how much of it is true.