
The happiness you feel when your favorite author on wattpad starts following you  Thankyou @mikaelanay for following me!! You are seriously my favorite ..your stories always excite me to read it further.. I can't wait to read more stories and their updates written by you ... Thanks again! 


Sorry, for hampering your space.
          Here is my one-shot story. I tried something different. And it will consume less of your time ;-) 
          Please, check it and give a vote and leave comments if it will worth that :-)
          Happy Reading...

          If you would like give it a space in your reading list and share it with your friends 


The happiness you feel when your favorite author on wattpad starts following you  Thankyou @mikaelanay for following me!! You are seriously my favorite ..your stories always excite me to read it further.. I can't wait to read more stories and their updates written by you ... Thanks again! 


Here’s to the Woman..
          Who knows where she is going, and will keep on until she gets there
          Who knows not only what she wants from life. But what she has to offer in return.
          Here’s to the Woman..
          Who is loyal to family and friends; who expects no more from others than she is willing to give
          The woman who is confident in her beliefs and yet is willing to listen to what others have to say.
          Here’s to the Woman..
          Who guides and inspires not by quoting other’s philosophies but by living her own good examples;
          Who accepts both victories and disappointments with the same grace and
          Who can rise above life’s challenges and move on.
          Here’s to the Woman..
          Who gives the gifts of her thoughtfulness, who shows her caring with a word of support;
          Her understanding with a smile; a woman who brings joy to others just by being herself.
          HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY :) :) 


To all lovely ladies on wattpad.... You are beautiful.. not just like the girls in the glossy magazines..  You are beautiful for the way you think...
          You are beautiful for the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about something you love, you are beautiful for your ability to make other people smile even when you are sad. No, you aren't beautiful for something as temporary as your looks... You are beautiful deep down to your soul..!  Happy Women's day :)  !!


new year 2015 has begun..Happy new year everyone :-D :-) ..wattpad has been one of the most important part of my life in the year 2014....hope the journey with wattpad continue to grow even stronger in 2015:-)