
Hey everyone! I need the attention of a specific community here.
          	I'm working on a new series. I won't get too into details because I don't want to spoil it, but I'm planning on having it pay attention to a lot of problems in the world today. 
          	One of the earlier chapters is going to focus on racism. Which leads me to ask my african- american fanbase, would it be acceptable to use the n-word?
          	Now I never use it normally. Not texting, not talking, not even for jokes. Using it for writing does not mean I support any non african american to use it.
          	If you are not part of that community please do not say yes or no, because it isn't your place to give permission. 
          	Thank you, and happy reading!


thank you!!


hi! i know a lot of people are asking you this at the moment but are you gonna continue “for the papers?”
          it was so good and one of my favorite stories i’ve ever read! i think you could definitely do more with the story (if you want too). 


Hey everyone! I need the attention of a specific community here.
          I'm working on a new series. I won't get too into details because I don't want to spoil it, but I'm planning on having it pay attention to a lot of problems in the world today. 
          One of the earlier chapters is going to focus on racism. Which leads me to ask my african- american fanbase, would it be acceptable to use the n-word?
          Now I never use it normally. Not texting, not talking, not even for jokes. Using it for writing does not mean I support any non african american to use it.
          If you are not part of that community please do not say yes or no, because it isn't your place to give permission. 
          Thank you, and happy reading!


thank you!!


Quarantine announcement time!
          Very sorry for being inactive, tbh I just haven't had time or energy. But now I'm locked in my house for 3 weeks so hopefully look forward to some updates!
          If I haven't responded to a message of yours, I'm very sorry, but thank all of you so much for the support!!!
          I'm also going to be changing my username soon. Be on the lookout, and I love you guys!


@BillDipFourLife yay!! Congrats on.... that! :D


@Idk_12345678910 yep! got on some new antidepressants and I'm doing much better!


@BillDipFourLife Oof. Also hello from like a year ago. U ok?


You are really good at writing, I’ve read just for the papers, continued, and through hell and back. You’re good at writing enticing and interesting stories. Like Just For The Papers’ chapter where Tad (if it’s not tad then sorry, It’s been a few weeks since I read the book) was making out with dipper. I was so shocked and I felt bad for bill but also wanted to read more. So I don’t care how long it takes for the next update, because your really good at this and I know that the wait will be worth it.