Hello everyone, it's me [neonlightmeer]!
First of all, I want to thank you for a year-round of large number of reads and votes of my first novel. I am deeply in love with it but there is something I wanted to confess to you all.
I apologize for the late announcement of me being inactive for months. I can't believe that I started a lovely career here and ended up offline. The reason behind is preparation for my future. You might have guessed or not but I am a college freshman and that means inactivity like the past months. To briefly tell you all, I am sorry for not updating you about me or my novel.
Before the months of 2021 fade, I am happy to present my lovely friend who will lend their support on progressing my milestones. Yes, it means that that friend of mine will keep you updated you on the stories I've written and the stories I haven't shared.
I hope in the future, after I finish my college years, that I'll be able to share you more exciting stories. Thank you and may y'all be safe!