u guys im sry to tell u but my story's aren't letting me update them so IM SO SRY but I have to delete them but if u want I can write the chapters in here and u can read them if u want that comment me back ok
Hey its nerdy-neko but i have a new account cuz i keep on forgetting passwords but if u go to this account i have now i will make stories and still talk and everything i used to do before so just follow me and if i get to at least 20 follwers back ill update stories again ok gtg love u my kitty cat army and have a purrrfect day ~nya~
u guys im sry to tell u but my story's aren't letting me update them so IM SO SRY but I have to delete them but if u want I can write the chapters in here and u can read them if u want that comment me back ok