
          	New chapter is up. Can you believe it’s been two years??? There is no apology good enough for such a hiatus. However, maybe I can get back into my writing and keep it updated! 


Is Nyctophelia on hold 


@SluppyNutts I'm moving and going to college soon so it's been really hard to write! Hopefully I can get the next chapter up soon. Thanks for you support.


UPDATE! Ugh! I've been gone so long.... Unfortunately, there is not much time for "extra" in my life. Writing included : ( So please forgive me as I work towards more story updates in the future! Chapter 19 is in the work. Although,  very, very slowly.


In the next month or so I really want to go back and do lots of editing on my chapters. I re-read through some and feel its needs plenty of revising. I'll make sure to list the ones I've edited so you can read again if you'd like.


Hello! I have recently updated Nyctophilia and I am currently working on the next chapter. I also have something new planned for 2019! Also, I am well aware that Nyctophilia needs some revising. I am trying to set aside some time to fix some things including new chapters more regularly. Thank you for your patient and support!