It's not an update. Mungkin kalian readers baru yang baca ceritaku pas aku balik lagi ke wattpad belum semua tau kalau aku Directioners. The very reason I created this acc years ago simply to read their FF and later on I also wrote one (Stuck in Circle).
Pagi ini rasanya syok dan nggak percaya baca berita Liam Payne meninggal. Rasanya aneh, mixed feeling, dan belum bisa mencerna aja. Despite his controversial behaviors recently, he played a huge part of my teen years here on wattpad and also in my life.
Just wanna share this with you guys karena sumpah aku masih ngang-ngong sendiri mencerna kepergian dia. And it also hits me that maybe 1D will never getting back together.
Rest in peace, Liam Payne.