Hello all!
It's me, Anna (although, if you haven't fanned my personal you wouldn't know, I'm now going by my nickname, Effy!)
So, I agree with Justina on the whole chapter posting thing, so get those comments coming! Although, we're way behind on posting and we just might anyway....
Okay, so now for the point; I'm really not into self-promoting, but I thought you all should know that I just updated my Garrett fanfiction, Under City Lights, on my personal account, humanwreckage. If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it if you went and checked it out!
Hmm, guess that wasn't so bad after all!
Stay chill.
~Anna/Effy/Ringo/whatever-the-oyster-you-wanna-call me!
(And yes, I did just say oyster.)