
;;  cb or smth- idk


“yumin yumin yumin— help me. :C please.? i’m freaking out a little—.” 


@neurokills ||
            “yuminn, i can’t just separate them from their parents— or separate them of each otherr. :CC that feels cruel. and i’m not giving up spice and cinnamon either. :cc”    ( she frowned, not liking the idea. ) 


@swrenity- ))
            once she had calmed down, she nodded. “and second of all, i think the simplest solution is to put all those kittens up for adoption. as much as i like cats, i really don’t think it’s a good idea to have 6 little cats running around in the house.”


@neurokills ||
            ( odette tried to take deep breaths, closing her eyes in the process. once she’d managed to regulate her breathing, she looked at her, still clearly worried. )    “what do i do.??” 


Watch  where  you're  going..   


Adan  didn't  know  what  she  wanted  or  if  she  was  just  teasing  him.  He  watched  her  come  closer  but  didn't  touch  him.   "  Right.   I  said  that..   what  did  you  have  in  mind?   "   he  asked,  lowering  his  gaze  as  he  glanced  at  her  cleavage  before  looking  into  her  eyes  again.    


@acterror ))
            her smile softened when he went behind the counter, her hands moving behind her back. “i don’t wanna do work anymore.” she mumbled, moving in as close as she could without giving him the satisfaction of her touch. “plus it’s clear that you need a distraction too. after all, you were the one to say that you wanted me to make you feel better.”


Adan  frowned  softly.   He  had  no  idea  what  was  happening.  He  didn't  think  he  teased  her  in  any  way,  but  to  hear  her  demand  him  to  get  up  and  do  as  told  to  be  her  distraction  from  work,  surprised  and  amused  him  a  little.   He  didn't  know  what  to  say  or  think, but  he  got  up  and  walked  over  to  her,   standing  next  to  her  behind  her  desk.   "   yes?   "


;;  excuse me for going mia for a day- i didn’t feel like rping at all sob
          anyway, drop things to help me gain muse again <3


@anqeliicz ))
            ;;  tysm <33 btw, if you ever want to rp, go ahead and drop anytime. idm


            * / hey, it's alright to take time for yourself. i know you didnt apologize but your health comes first before anything.


“ you look real familiar ….have we 
          met before ? ”


“ yeah , I’d like to make an appointment ” she said with an amused smile “ i figured there’d be no walk ins , seems a bit too expensive for that ” she said jokingly as she looked around practically analysing her surroundings as she did so before turning her watchful eye back to the woman in front of her. there was definitely something interesting about her. 


@ocyeaniks ))
            she chuckled. “how flattering..” she said under her breath, moving to sit down in the swivel chair in front of her computer. “evangeline.. pretty name.” she added with a small smile. “did you want to book an appointment or anything? cuz this isn’t exactly a walk in clinic.”


“ …hm my bad then love ” evangeline said with a slight smile , although she wasn’t one to just let things go , she was definitely going to look into it later “ i’m evangeline by the way , i hear this place is pretty renowned ” she said gesturing to the practice. 


“yumin yumin yumin yumin yumin— are you done yettt.? i’m boreddd, i wanna go outtttt.” 


@neurokills ||
            “becauseeeee,”    ( she turned around, slowing down her pace by walking backwards so she could look at her. )    “i have waaayyy too much energy, and walking doesn’t do much unless i walk /a lot/. but walking makes excited so i get more energy— it’s a bit confusing but oh well.”    ( she shrugged. ) 


@swrenity- ))
            “that much is a lie.” she replied bluntly, though she continued at the other’s pace. “goodness, this feels like jogging.. how do you not get tired after just a few minutes?”


@neurokills ||
            “noo, i walk at a regular pacer.!! you’re the one walking slowww.”    ( she lied, knowing full well she did not, in fact, walk at a regular pace. ) 


Wrong  restroom,  sweetheart. 


@acterror ))
            she didn’t seem to notice he was following her, at least not until she arrived at the door. she glanced up, noticing him there. she chuckled, a small smile playing on her angular features. “thank you sweetheart.” she spoke before looking back ahead and leaving the bathroom.


Adan  could  tell  she  wasn't  from  here, and  when  she  spoke  in  a  different  language,  it  confirmed  his  theory.   He  traveled  the  world  a  lot, and  his  first  guess  was  korean, but  he  couldn't  understand  the  language.   But  whatever  she  said  seemed  to  be  positive.   "   No..   it  doesn't.   I'm  just  surprised.   "   Once  she  turned  to  leave,  Adan  walked  closely  behind  her  towards  the  door.   Towering  over  her  figure  as  he  pushed  the  door  open  and  held  it  open  for  her.   


@acterror ))
            she chuckled at how his features seemed to soften, even more when he apologized. “귀엽다 (cute).” she murmured, then hummed to his next words. “does that make you uncomfortable? i can leave if that’s the case.” she said, turning to leave the bathroom.