
Hi, neuro here. I’m really struggling recently with my mental health so sadly the chapters might be a bit random or short, I might miss a week or something becuse im just struggling with it is all, I’ll try to keep consistency but I can’t promise it. 
          	Thank you for understanding 


Hi, neuro here. I’m really struggling recently with my mental health so sadly the chapters might be a bit random or short, I might miss a week or something becuse im just struggling with it is all, I’ll try to keep consistency but I can’t promise it. 
          Thank you for understanding 


Yooooo so I’m working on two rather big things right now, two more (possibly three) books so if posting is a bit more inconsistent I apologise, I’ll do my best to keep up with it but with many projects and Christmas going on it might be a bit inconsistent 


Merry Christmas, I’ll do my best to get it out on time at the right quality but thank you for your understanding 


@neurospicywriter okay no problem ofc
            Merry Christmas :D