
read War & Love now  ❤️


Hi, I'm one of your readers. I would like to know if ur ok, not just for a update but BC us readers haven't from u. How is your wellbeing?


I hope u get better


@brezzzzzzzz i am just going through a rough time .. thank you for asking


          Okay so guys i took a break from wattpad . Sorry that i didn't actually notify anyone about it . But i was going through a hard time dealing with my mental state such as depression , bipolarism  , and panic attacks 
          I was trying to work through my problems by ignoring them and it was just getting worse
          I had to get better
          So i took a break from every social media , tried to find myself , and i am better now
          I still deal with it but now i have control over my life
          I want to take my time to thank you all who commented and voted on my books , and i am sorry that i didn't update 
          So now i am back and i promise i will post if not everyday then at least four times week . For all my four ongoing books
          I really appreciate you guys for being there for me
          So comment on my books , tell me what you feel , inbox me if you feel the need to talk to someone
          I will be there for you all 
          with all the love and respect
          neuroticxoxo <3


Your books sound awesome.  I love romances where the girls are strong and beautiful in their own way. If u would like to recommend any Plz do.


@unknowndouble487  so all my books have romance , but not just that , i try to write so i can express my feelings and the problems i deal with as a teenager and mostly as a human being 
            but all my books have hot alpha possessive males , so if you are into that then follow me and check my books