
Sorry I haven’t updated. I’ll update next week, I just need time to work on my writing. 


Hey I just read your first chapter and i’m already mad invested. And just wanted give you a little advice because i can already see this story blowing up and I really don’t want this story to become one of those throw away that have really good story line but not as good execution. Which i’m not saying you have but still just in case. (Sorry for the nervous rambling) 
          anyway:) all the advice I would have is to pick and choose were you put details especially for inner thoughts because if you give away to much or to little with the inner thoughts it can really reck a story and i’ve seen it countless times especially in marauders fanfics. 
          Anyway I hope you go through with the story cause between your tiktok and the first chapter im far to invested for my own good 


np i was so scared that came off as mean.  can’t wait for tomorrow chapter tho 


Thank you so much!! I completely agree! So for tomorrow’s chapter I’ll be sure to take your advice.