i talked about this on my close friends story but i wanted to come on here and elaborate on the topic.
"cutting people out of your life with no explanation doesn't make you a girlboss, it just shows your lack of empathy and human decency"
i will always stand by this. we'll exclude r@pe, gr00ming or other things like this because that's totally different.
let's just say you had beef with someone. it doesn't matter who started it or what happend, you just fought or had an ongoing toxic friendship, okay? if you decide to just start ignoring them or if you unfollow them on social media and you just roll with it is just shitty on your side. let's say there are guilty, it was their fault you fought and they were bad people. if you just ignore them without telling them what they did and how much it affected you, they won't change, and they will go on with their lives, hurting others the way they hurt you. and now you're basically at least 1% guilty for their suffering.
and if it wasn't anyone's fault in particular, no explanation from you will just hurt both of you, even if you get over it afterwards. they will not get closure (and maybe neither will you), and they will be left wondering what was it that they did wrong forever. they'll just be left thinking about what yall had and how much it hurt losing you. and that will be shitty on your side.
overall, not telling people why you decided to drop them makes you shitty <3