
Chapter 2 of A Rose By Any Other Name is available. Check it out!


Check out my new story A Rose By Any Other Name. 
          After being taken away from her family by order of the King's General, Ziah is placed into an arranged marriage to, of all people, a prince. 
          Risaris  is the crown prince of a foreign land that her country is constantly in conflict with. Marriage is meant to bring peace to the countries. 
          King Grottul descievs the prince. The King has no daughters and so Ziah, a farmer's only daughter is passed off as a princess. 
          Ziah has no training as a princess. She knows only that she is never to betray the king's secret. 
          As she struggles to navigate the ceremonies of court life, her new royal family is becoming suspicious. And as the marriage has not had the effect of bringing peace to the land, the stakes grow higher and higher.