
UGH I'M SO SORRY GUYS!!!! I haven't updated ILWYSM in like FOREVER. but don't worry. i have the next two chapters ready. i just have to type them up. Should be uploaded tonight. :D <3 xx


Alright. I need to get this out there and I can't wait until y next chapter. The Zux fanfic. That story, even though she deleted it from wherever the h*ll she posted it, is everywhere. People have read it, and people have taken screenshots of it and are posting them. It's all over twitter, YouTube, instagram, tumblr, Facebook. It's everywhere. Liz cannot be seen with the boys any more because of this. The girl says she thought it was funny. H*ll no. Now is it funny? Zayn was in tears when he read it. Was this chick drunk or something when she wrote it? Idk what is up with this but this has changed this fan base. This is so messed up and it's seriously ticking me off.