
Hey guys! I know I'm not really active here, but I did put up a new septiplier fanfic if you'd like to read. It's called powers  and I'm not being desperate here, but if you do truly enjoy it, please share. Love you guys! 


For all those of my beautiful followers who are reading "robots" I'd like to thank you all for reading and enjoying it! I'm going to write a small sub chapter to it that wasn't in the original that I currently have. It shouldn't mess up the rest of the plot that seriously, so I feel fit to write a bit. Plus I am really enjoying writing this! Have a lovely day!


Hey guys! It's been a while since I've updated you guys, and tbh a lot of my interests have changed, but if any of you are interested, give my book, "Two boys, One girl" a read, I've been trying to see if writing a non fanfiction might be interesting to some people. Have a good day!