oh gosh, u asked 4 it... i am going to tell u the most random shiz in my life, by not saying 'hi'.... get ready....
Well, i got photobombed by my cat once, i am a music freak, shroomz r ma thing, i <3 adventure time and horror films, i like to scare myself and i am not easily scared, i am not ticklish xP, i have bad luck (but not ,like, really bad luck just the world seems to make me fail ALOT), I have walked into a lampost infront of 7 different schools at an outing when i was in primary school, i dont care what people think of me i just say 'take me as i am or u know where to go', i dont stand sexism bullying rascism or homophobes, imma femenist and a badass, i cuss alot, i flirt, when i walk into a door i kick it T-T', hates maths and school (i prefer to skive and go buy sweets in town lololol), i rap, i also sing, i'm british, follow back?
PS soz, lol, i only just clicked on this account xP