

Hello everyone! It sure has been a while since I've been on this account, hasn't it? I'm here to apologize, I forgot to tell everyone that I'm not active on this account anymore, because I've started a new one! Same user, but the bio can tell you that. Here's the link anyway: 
           Please go and follow me there if you would be so kind! I have a Naruto oneshot book that needs requests, as well as my improved poetry book! After a while I may delete this account indefinitely, but until then  I'll leave it so that my followers here can find me! 
          Bai behbs!(havent said that in a while, lol)


Give my story a chance! It's very much like an  anime!


            Alright! I began to read the first chapter and made a few comments. I like the overall idea of your story: we have a school for kids who possess special powers. It's widely used, but I love these stories because they can be changed up and tweeked in so many ways! I like the original names and the ability to "Sin". It's definitely got that anime feel, which I like to see. My main concerns are punctuation (people will murder you for grammar, babe, trust me) and the pizazz, meaning the story's ability to keep readers interested. It's just kind of ... Bland? In the way you build your sentences. It's mostly "Yada Yada Yada," said So-n-so or "Blah-da-blah," blurted So-n-so, and do on. Change it up a bit; pay attention in English class, it's helped me a lot. Then there's the fact that I, honestly, have no idea what's going on. What even is "Sinning"? What's a sinning ability, what's the academy for, what's the background of the story? Why is all of this happening, what do sinners do in society? You usually explain those things in the first chapter.
            If I had to rate your book, I'd say a solid 3/5. I love it's originality and the interesting twist to the "kids with magic school" theme. I just think that you could spice it up a little and work on grammar(a little tip from me, signing up for grammarly helps you find punctuation errors real easy!).
            Thanks for your time and interest in my profile! If you can, will you give some of my stories a read? If you ever need help or advice just send me a message!


No problem and thanks! I'm excited to hear your opinions!


@SuperSuperrr  For sure! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!