
I've decided to start reworking Succubus. It will give me something to work on and practice setting up a routine when it comes to working on large-scale projects. Speaking of, I am in the process of planning a webcomic! So be on the look-out for the next few weeks if you're still interested  in following Cello's adventure (but TBH I was a horny tweenager when I first started writing it and a lot of the old chapters make me cringe so I wanna make it more palatable).


I've decided to start reworking Succubus. It will give me something to work on and practice setting up a routine when it comes to working on large-scale projects. Speaking of, I am in the process of planning a webcomic! So be on the look-out for the next few weeks if you're still interested  in following Cello's adventure (but TBH I was a horny tweenager when I first started writing it and a lot of the old chapters make me cringe so I wanna make it more palatable).


My goodness, it's been a long time. Wattpad has changed so much since last I was here. I'd like to report that I've been making something of myself since disappearing, I've started college and am studying Computer Animation at Full Sail University. I'm not sure how many of you guys are still actively following my works. I'd appreciate some feedback, otherwise, pieces like Succubus and Neko will kinda remain on the back burners. I want to develop and mature my writing, however, I don't see the point if there is no longer an interest. So, please give me your feedback if you're still around and tell me what you think.


Hey guys, I'm back and working on Succubus for those of you who have been waiting. I really need some feedback though on what you guys think about how it's going so far and where you'd like to see the story to go. I'm not gonna lie, I have the beginning and the end, but absolutely no friggin middle :|


Oh. My. God. You guys!!! Succubus has had over 4,000 reads in at least 22 countries! I love how popular it's getting and I hope you'll all be patient with me until I can get my computer back. I promise, there is MUCH on the way for Cello and the gang. I love you all so much and I hope you'll continue to keep up with our little succubus' shenanigans. Write soon! Mwah!


Okay, no more messing. I'm gonna set a goal of at least five pages per chapter on succubus and I'm not gonna work on anymore of my other stories till it's finished, but guys, suggestions, requests, and critiques are greatly needed in order for this story to progress, so if you want it to continue, blast me up!


this message may be offensive
Um, hey guys... this is never easy to talk about. I've got some shit to deal with sooo... i'm not gonna be on for a while. I know I've done this before, but high school's been hitting me pretty hard lately. I'll do my best in trying to update, and i have to repeat in caps REQUESTS AND SUGGESTIONS REALLY FRIGGIN' HELP!!!!! So yeah, that's all for now. Peace out my lovelies, I'll see you on the flipside. =^u^=


Holy skittles! Succubus is known in 29 countries and counting people! That's at least ten more than I've been to. I love you all so much, please help me in letting this book grow, more votes means less time you have to wait for the next chapter. (inbox me if you have any ideas for where the story should lead.)