It's been a long time! I'd be surprised if anyone who used to read my stories are still here but just in case, I plan to finish them. I'm starting with my Tigress series since I've been fixing it up offline and properly structuring the end.
I don't know if there's an official way of doing this but rather than delete it and start fresh I'm going to republish each chapter. I'm doing it this way in case the couple of readers who loved it are still out there and want to see what I've changed and what I've kept the same. I'd love them to know how much their enjoyment of the Tigress series helped keep me going with it. The early parts in particular were not written well, I developed skills as I went and I'm very impressed those readers sat through the early less coherent bits.
I hope - can't be sure but I hope - that I have made it a better. These days I can structure a decent story when I start from scratch but I didn't do that here, instead I've gone through chapter by chapter, edited and added. I don't want to change the essence of the story or the story progression, just make it more readable and remove bits that added nothing.
If anyone does read this new edit and something doesn't make sense, please do tell me.
I've had a lot of reads for The Perfect Finish and requests to complete that one too. I certainly shall do that, it's so close to done that it seems mad to leave it sitting there. But it's a different genre and I don't want to lose the fantasy mindset just yet. Plus, I think that one might be worth rewriting too. Not the plot, just for prose and pacing and perhaps clarity.
Nearly at the word limit here so I'll post and unpublish later Tigress chapters and start publishing the new. I'm going to change its name when I think of something suitable. Everything that makes sense is already the title of some published book. So for now, the title remains.
Also, I'll try to be regular but regularity is really not my thing. Here's hoping I keep it up.